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BBL or Butt Implants Which Option Is Right For You?

Sep 30, 2019 | Body

When it comes to butt enhancement, do you know the difference between a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) or butt implants? Is one a better choice than the other? More and more people in Beverly Hills want to enhance their backside. Hollywood stars and celebrities have caused a recent upsurge of popularity in obtaining that “hourglass” figure featuring a lifted and sculpted-looking backside. If you want a rounder, curvier derrière then either one of these booty-lifting procedures can make it happen. But which one is right for you?

Dr. Jaime Schwartz is one of the most highly regarded plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, CA. He is a board-certified and internationally recognized plastic surgeon as well as a diplomate for the American Board of Plastic Surgery. His private Beverly Hills practice is highly regarded and sought after by both men and women. Dr. Schwartz’s patient-first approach and years of surgical and medical experience have won him several awards for providing his patients with outstanding results. Dr. Schwartz is a leading expert with fat transfer procedures like a BBL or butt augmentation with implants. If unsure about which one you need, then here is a look at both procedures and what each one can accomplish.


One of the reasons butt enhancements are all the buzz for individuals in Beverly Hills and throughout the country is the desire to have that perfect looking derrière. Augmentation with butt implants has been around for decades but has grown increasingly popular in recent years. Much like breast augmentation, butt implants made of silicone can give patients a rounder, fuller shape to their backside. Another butt enhancement technique that is on a rapid incline in popularity is the Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL. A Brazilian butt lift in a more natural method, using a patient’s excess fat that extracted with liposuction from another area such as the abdomen or thighs and then reinjected to give their buttocks a smoother, shapelier look. 


Women and men in Beverly Hills considering butt implants or a Brazilian butt lift first have to determine their aesthetic goals. There are several reasons as to how we get the backside we have and why it changes over time. Both men and women inherit certain traits that shape their butt and determine their overall body type. A healthy diet and regular exercise can only help how your butt looks to a certain degree, particularly when it comes to age. As individuals progress into their 30s or 40s, their backside may see changes. Skin elasticity begins to lessen, and muscle mass starts to weaken. Particularly in women, they may begin to notice more fatty tissue accumulating in other areas such as the hips while their butt looks less “perky.” That is when turning to cosmetic help and the right surgical care with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Schwartz should be your next step.


You may not realize it, but there are different ways to categorize a person’s butt when considering if butt implants or a BBL are a viable option to enhance your backside: 

  • “V” shape or inverted butt -- patients with a small butt but a broader waist. 
  • “H” shape or square butt -- patients whose butt is the same size as their hips. Square butts appear flat and are more difficult to reshape with just exercise.
  • “Bubble butt” or round butt -- this is generally an ideal shape but, in some cases, patients with this shape need help for an overall symmetrical look. 
  • “A” shape or pear-shaped -- even called upside-down heart, this is generally the ideal look and considered the sexiest for women. As women age, this body type can see more weight in the hips or waist with loss of volume in their buttocks. 

If you are unsure which shape you are or what butt enhancement option would be best for your shape and size, working closely with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Schwartz is key. 


The goal for both procedures is to ultimately give patients the look and shape to their butt that they want. Butt implants offer more shape and size. They are made of solid silicone which can’t break or leak into the body. Butt augmentation with implants is a more invasive procedure with larger incisions that require more downtime. A BBL provides a more natural way to add more volume and shape while getting the added benefit of liposuction in another area. A BBL is less invasive with smaller incisions and requires less downtime. When it comes to making a final decision, it comes down to your personal goals, your body type, and working with Dr. Schwartz to determine the best option for you.

Both butt implants and a Brazilian butt lift offer long-term, dramatic results for patients in Beverly Hills who seek a rounder, more shapely behind. Scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has a wealth of experience in booty-lifting procedures like Dr. Jaime Schwartz is your next step to discuss all the options. Dr. Schwartz’s private practice in Beverly Hills, CA offers numerous cosmetic options, so you will love how your butt looks once again.  



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