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BBL with Renuva: A Booty-boosting Procedure You May Not Know About, Butt Should

Oct 21, 2021 | Body

Up until now, the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) could only be performed by grafting fat from another area of the body and injecting it into the buttocks for instant lift, curve, contour, fullness, firmness, and bodacious bounce.  But what if you didn’t have fat to graft from?  Introducing Renuva.  Let us fill you in.

Make no butts about it, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) was the most sought-after cosmetic procedure amongst the video-viewing, TikTok crowd during the Covid-19 crisis that brought 2020 to its knees.  Amidst global lockdowns, those seeking a perkier, plumper posterior turned to the popular procedure in hopes to get much-needed lift-off in the derriere department, while discreetly recovering at home.  After all, most all work was performed via Zoom, making the “unprecedented time” the most opportune moment to go under the knife – or needle.  However, what if one wanted to enhance their bottom, but lacked the body fat to do so?  The good news is you no longer need to go under the knife to get the designer derriere of your dreams.  You just need to go under, well, the needle.  Achieving a Beyonce-inspired booty is no longer a shot in the dark.  Donor-derived, rejuvenating Renuva filler sticks it to flat behinds, dreaded dimples, and unsightly sagginess with the latest in long-term, FDA-approved filler options that don’t require invasive, fat-transfer.  NO fat?  NO problem!


Renuva is an “off the shelf” alternative to autologous fat transfer and is used to cosmetically restore, rejuvenate, or add volume in the face, hands, breasts, buttocks, and other body parts in a short, minimally invasive, in-office procedure.  The adipose allograft is processed to preserve the extracellular matrix containing proteins, collagen, and growth factors found in healthy, adipose tissue (Source:  Renuva is freeze-dried injectable fat – an ideal solution for patients who want to augment their breasts, buttocks, and other body parts, but lack enough native fat for a traditional fat-transfer.  Once injected, Renuva works to stimulate the body’s own production of fat and collagen, offering a lot of bang for your beauty buck over time.

Renuva offers an innovative, non-surgical “butt lift” for those without the native fat component, but still, wish to enhance, shape, sculpt, and plump their posterior parts.  The procedure offers no downtime, with permanent results that usually take up to three months to maximize.  Patients enjoy similar results to a traditional BBL procedure without the added, invasive liposuction procedure.  While other conventional fillers, such as Juvederm® and Restalyne®, break down over time and need to be re-injected to address volume loss, Renuva offers permanent, safe results and is performed in-office under local anesthesia.  The entire procedure takes under an hour to complete, leaving you with a sexy backside in sixty minutes!  Results will continue to amplify up to three months as the body’s own fat cells inhabit the treatment area.  


If you’re looking to give your bottom a bit of boost, but are afraid you lack enough native body fat for grafting, this may be the perfect butt-plumping procedure for you.  Also, BBL with Renuva may work for you if you seek to address the following:

  • Improve/enhance, contour, curve, shape, sculpt the buttocks
  • Achieve a subtle, slight “lift”
  • Correct asymmetry
  • Fill dimples
  • Firm sagginess


Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Jaimie Schwartz, uses the Renuva Adipose Matrix, which is medically prepped and primed from donor fat tissue and strategically injected into the buttocks, encouraging new tissue growth and even enhanced skin tone.  One of the top users and proponents of Renuva, Dr. Jaime is renowned for his star-worthy, signature, Non-Surgical Designer Butt Lift, which is discreetly performed in his state-of-the-art Beverly Hills facility with no downtime.  Now, that’s something we can get behind!

To learn more about BBL with Renuva, please be sure to contact our office to set up a consultation with Dr. Jaime Schwartz and find out if this innovative, minimally invasive booty-boosting technique is right for you.



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240 South La Cienega Boulevard
Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: 310-882-5454