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Botched Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery–Can I Look Normal Again?

Feb 25, 2019 | Body

On the rise in popularity, the Brazilian butt lift also known as a BBL, is quickly becoming one of the most common cosmetic procedures done throughout the world. Advancements in medical technology have allowed this procedure to be an alternative option to getting a fuller, rounder, shapelier backside, without the surgical need for butt implants. Unfortunately, with the rise in numbers, comes a rise in the number of “botched” Brazilian butt lifts seen with underqualified and inexperienced surgeons trying to tap into this cosmetic procedure. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz of Beverly Hills, is one of the leading revision specialists in the country able to help with “botched” Brazilian butt lifts. He can provide you a solution in order to get you the results you had wanted the 1st time around.

Quick BBL overview

A Brazilian butt lift procedure is a 2-step process. Through small incisions, liposuction with a cannula instrument performs the cosmetic procedure of extracting excess fatty tissue from another part of the body typically in the stomach, waistline, or thighs. Once the fat is extracted, it is purified so that only the healthiest fat cells are transplanted. Then, this fat is injected into the buttocks with precise layering and massaging so that it settles correctly and offers a smooth result. It takes surgeon skill, experience, and keen eye to ensure that the contouring is correct and that the gluteal area has the desired shape and volume. The end result with Dr. Schwartz is a fuller, more defined butt. Unfortunately, Beverly Hills patients that have this treatment with an inexperienced surgeon can have botched surgical outcomes.

The Brazilian butt lift complex issue...

The main reason a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon should perform a Brazilian butt lift is because the procedure is done in an area of the body that has several major arteries. If fat deposits are made incorrectly, during the grafting process, it can cause serious, life-threatening complications. Individuals turning to cheaper options or going out of the country to get a better deal on their BBL are putting their health at risk. In some cases, foreign substances are being used to provide extra volume causing severe infections. Botched liposuction results, in some instances, are so severe that patients can’t fully return to normal even with a revision. Choosing a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon with little experience, qualifications, or training is not only cosmetically putting your Brazilian butt lift results at risk, but also putting your life in danger as well.

Main cosmetic reasons for a Brazilian butt lift revision…

The main reason patients have problems or complications is typically due to an under-qualified surgeon or non board-certified doctor performing their initial Brazilian butt lift procedure. This can cause unsightly results and post-surgical complications. Since this procedure involves different processes, liposuction and fat grafting, then one or both can be done incorrectly. Here are some common mistakes:

  • Aggressive fat removal with liposuction can leave skin at the location site with divets or fat pockets due to too much fat being removed.

  • Improper fat grafting to the buttocks can cause rippling leaving the butt not smooth in appearance with deep grooves or “trenches” in the skin.

  • Improper fat grafting can cause the buttocks to not be contoured properly. Volume is improperly added and patients are cosmetically left with their buttocks sitting too high or in some cases too low which makes them look disproportional.

  • Not enough fat is grafted during the initial procedure therefore after the body has naturally absorbed some of it, patients are left unsatisfied with the end result.

Revision hope for your Brazilian butt lift with Dr. Schwartz

Most patients worry about the outcome of their revision surgery. Brazilian butt lift revisions are complex, like all revisions, due to dealing with the nature of what didn’t go right the first time. Also, the psychological factor with a patient being concerned they will never look “normal” again is an ongoing worry. Relying on a board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Schwartz, for your revision procedure is a step in the right direction. A leading revision specialist, he has tailored his cosmetic practice to be centered around his patients. At your revision consultation, Dr. Schwartz will use his expertise to take a look at your issue, evaluate what went wrong with your Brazilian butt lift, and then customize a treatment plan on how he can correct it.

Dr. Schwartz understands how upsetting this can be for his patients. He realizes the stress, emotional turmoil, and fear they may feel about their initial surgery and what is to happen next. He works to put each patients’ worry at ease and creates a unique treatment approach so they can once again look and feel their best.

It may sound simplistic in cosmetic nature, compared to other procedures, but a Brazilian butt lift done incorrectly can leave devastating results. That is where board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz and his professionally trained staff can help. One of the top revision plastic surgeon specialist in the country and Beverly Hills, he is known for fixing some of the most complex cosmetic procedures. He is notably recognized for his patient-first approach, listening to what his patients need and using his many years of experience to provide them with a revision solution. Call or schedule your Brazilian butt lift revision consultation with Dr. Jaime Schwartz today.



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