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Considering A Tummy Tuck? Tips to Recover with Ease

Jun 1, 2019 | Body

A tummy tuck procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. Men and women in the Beverly Hills area who are looking to have a flatter, more toned midsection are turning to a tummy tuck for help. Deciding to have a tummy tuck procedure is the first step but knowing what to do before and after surgery will benefit you with having an easier recovery.

Renowned, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz is one of the leading experts in the Beverly Hills area. His extensive knowledge and medical background have helped men and women improve the appearance of their midsection area so they can love the way they look. There are various types of tummy tuck options available, but no matter what surgical procedure you choose, the recovery goal is the same. Here are helpful tips on what you should do before and after your tummy tuck procedure so you can recover with ease.


A tummy tuck procedure is major surgery. Keeping your health in check prior to surgery should be a priority. It is a common fact that patients in good physical condition and general health before any type of surgery will have a better chance of an overall easier recovery. When it relates to a tummy tuck procedure, patients in Beverly Hills need to maintain a consistent weight and healthy diet before surgery in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle afterwards and enjoy their new look. Issues with weight fluctuations can alter any tummy tuck results and lead to patients losing that toned, fit appearance in their stomach area. It is highly recommended getting to your ideal body weight and maintaining it for up to 6 months prior to a tummy tuck procedure so you can get optimal results.


Another important factor prior to tummy tuck surgery is to plan ahead. Know where and how you plan on spending your recovery time and have the proper help in place so you can put your mind at ease during the healing process. Rest is so important for the recovery period after any type of cosmetic surgery. Prepare your recovery space prior to surgery equipped with what magazines, books, or favorite shows you want to watch so you can rest easy. Also line up who will be helping you for at least the first 48-72 hours, especially if you have children. Extra help will avoid any strain to you physically and mentally so you can recover and relax properly.


Your post-surgical protocol from your plastic surgeon is important to follow. Expert surgeons, like Dr. Schwartz, have helped countless patients in the Beverly Hills area recover from tummy tuck procedures. They know what your surgery entailed and what you should expect afterwards. Listening to their recommendations for recovery is imperative for an easier healing process. Take medications as instructed, don’t overdo any activities and follow their exact timeline in order to get you back to your daily life sooner rather than later.


Your stomach won’t be completely flat after surgery. Your scars will be prominent at first and will need time to heal. They will lessen in appearance over time. It takes time to feel back to normal and be able to fully enjoy your tummy tuck results. Some patients may experience a letdown after surgery due to the initial swelling and discomfort. This can cause patients to be anxious which can interfere with the recovery process. You need to relax, rest, and let your body recover so that you can fully enjoy your more toned, flatter stomach in a few months. Just remember the results won’t be instant so be patient.


Rest is key. It can’t be stated enough, that listening to your body is an important component after surgery. Even if you are feeling great, listening to your surgeon’s instructions and resting only allows you to heal faster. Some factors that can prolong the standard recovery are:

  • If a patient didn’t quit smoking at least 6 weeks prior to surgery.
  • If a patient was in poor physical health prior to surgery.
  • If a patient didn’t maintain their ideal body weight prior to surgery.
  • If liposuction was needed to better contour the area, then this might involve a longer recovery.
  • If an extended or circumferential tummy tuck procedure was needed to give the patient optimal results, then this involves a larger target area and can add to the recovery period.

Every patient considering a tummy tuck is different. There are many factors that go into each patient’s tummy tuck procedure which also means every patient’s recovery process will vary. Your post-operative care and surgeon’s instructions are just as important as who does the tummy tuck procedure. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz is one of the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. Dr. Schwartz and his professional staff are here to help you get the tummy tuck results you want while helping you with your recovery. If you are interested in a tummy tuck procedure, then we invite you to call or schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today.



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