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How To Choose Between A BBL And Glute Implants

Apr 20, 2019 | Body

If you’ve been following the trends in Hollywood and on social media over the last several years, you can probably understand why butt augmentation has become one of the fastest-growing segments of cosmetic surgery. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, and Nicki Minaj have popularized the hourglass figure, with a particular emphasis on a voluminous, round backside. While some men and women are lucky enough to be naturally well-endowed in this area, many people find it difficult – if not impossible – to achieve their desired figure, regardless of how many hours they spend in the gym. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery now offers patients multiple exciting options for enhancing their backsides with quick, dramatic, and striking results. 

Board-certified and internationally recognized plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz, along with his exceptional medical team, is proud to offer both the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) as well as the placement of gluteal implants at his state-of-the-art facility in Beverly Hills, CA. Both of these innovative procedures can undoubtedly produce gorgeous results, but it is important to understand the unique characteristics of each when determining which surgery may be right for you. During your initial one-on-one consultation, Dr. Schwartz will perform a thorough physical examination and discuss your goals, concerns, health history, and other topics in order to recommend the butt enhancement method that will best fit your needs. 


Both the Brazilian butt lift and butt implants, formally known as a gluteoplasty, are designed to increase the volume of the rear end and enhance its shape and overall appearance. However, the procedures have a number of noteworthy differences that should be carefully considered when determining which one may best fit the needs of a particular patient. 


The Brazilian butt lift, often referred to simply as the BBL, is a two-part surgical procedure designed to increase the volume and improve the shape of a patient’s backside using his or her own fat. During the procedure, in Beverly Hills, CA, the surgeon will extract fat from a predetermined donor site – usually the abdomen, thighs, or back – via liposuction. The fat is then separated, purified, and prepared for injection while the liposuction incisions are being closed. Using syringes, the surgeon will next inject the fat into the patient's buttocks. This technique takes a great deal of skill, artistry, and strategy to achieve a natural-looking and symmetric outcome, so it is imperative that patients seeking a BBL choose a highly qualified and experienced surgeon.

A Brazilian butt lift has several advantages, both when compared to other procedures, as well as when being evaluated on its own, including:

  • Relatively minimally invasive
  • Short recovery time
  • Does not require synthetic materials
  • Low risk of complication or allergic reaction  to a 
  • Offers the added benefit of body contouring in the donor area

While a Brazilian butt lift can certainly be a worthwhile procedure and give patients a beautifully enhanced rear end, there are some cases when a gluteoplasty with silicone gluteal implants may be preferred and/or more fitting. Some of the perceived disadvantages of the BBL as compared to butt implants include:

  • Cannot change the size of the butt as dramatically
  • Results are not permanent
  • Some patients may not have enough fat to transfer


Gluteal implants, or butt implants, are synthetic silicone implants that are used to augment the size and improve the shape and position of the buttocks. A gluteoplasty is performed in a similar way as breast augmentation, with the surgeon making an incision in the crease of the buttocks through which the implant is placed. Some of the unique benefits of butt implants include:

  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Able to produce a dramatic increase in size/shape
  • Can be used for thinner patients 
  • May improve the appearance of cellulite or loose skin

One of the most advantageous aspects of butt implants is that they can be used as an alternative to a BBL when a patient doesn’t have enough excess fat to be used in the transfer. However, like all procedures, there are some downsides associated with glute implants as well. These may include:

  • Longer and more intense recovery period
  • More invasive procedure
  • Implants may shift
  • Risk of capsular contracture or implant rupture


Ultimately, the choice between butt implants and a Brazilian butt lift is made by the surgeon and the patient together after taking into consideration the patient’s body habits, lifestyle, his or her goals, and other factors. The best way to determine how butt augmentation can help you achieve your ideal physique and to understand whether you may be better-suited to glute implants or to a Brazilian butt lift should be evaluated by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

Call our convenient and beautiful Beverly Hills, CA facility today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz, and discover how the red carpet-worthy bottom of your dreams may finally be within reach! 



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