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I Have Botched Results From Liposuction. What are my options?

Dec 10, 2018 | Body

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Beverly Hills, CA, and when performed by an experienced surgeon, can lead to exceptional outcomes resulting in a slimmer, smoother figure. It is unfortunate, however, that there are instances when a cosmetic procedure such as liposuction doesn't go as planned. This can occur when a patient is unhappy due to skin that has lumps and bulges instead of looking smooth and even. Unsatisfactory results from a botched liposuction procedure leaves a patient feeling even more self-conscious about the area of their body they were trying to improve in the first place. Concerns about whether it can be corrected leaves a patient feeling anxious, worried, and wondering if they even have any options. The answer is YES. There is hope and help for liposuction outcomes that have gone wrong.

Liposuction revision surgery performed by board-certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz can reverse the outcome of a botched procedure and allow patients to have the figure they want and hope restored. Dr. Schwartz uses highly advanced surgical techniques and a rapid recovery protocol that garners excellent outcomes with an easier recovery.

If you have had liposuction and are not happy with your results, read more to learn about what your options are.

Botched Liposuction--What Does This Mean?
When diet and exercise can’t rid you of excess fatty deposits, liposuction can be an effective option to slim down certain body parts. There are many forms of liposuction, but the traditional method uses a cannula to remove fat from the body in order to change the shape or contour of certain areas such as the hips, thighs, buttocks, lower back or “love handles”, abdominal area, and even under the chin/neck area. But liposuction is not just a procedure using a “vacuum” type device pulling out unwanted fat. A plastic surgeon must take great care in making sure they don’t damage tissue or blood vessels that surround the fat cells being removed. If a surgeon aggressively removes fat cells in an even manner or in a careless way, severe skin indentations and deformities can occur. When this happens or a surgeon takes too much or too little fat from an area it can cause the skin to look bumpy, have ridges or look “rippled”.

Signs to Look For
When a surgeon performs a liposuction procedure they are removing fat from the body, but at the same time, they are removing cells from the “hills” in someone’s skin and transferring those fatty cells to the areas of “valleys” which can result in smoother, more level skin areas. If this technique is not properly performed during liposuction it can have devastating effects. Here are the signs to look for with a botched liposuction procedure:

  • Saggy skin
  • Uneven areas that are lumpy even to the touch or do not look smooth in texture
  • Skin that is discolored longer than the initial recovery time (outside of possible bruising which eventually goes away)
  • Areas where not enough fat cells were removed so “hills” still look high and not smooth or the opposite where “valleys” are still deep so not enough fat was transferred to fill in
  • Some cases a patient gains weight after their procedure causing the “deformities” to be enhanced

When these side effects occur, a patient is left looking at skin that may even look worse than when they went in for their initial liposuction procedure therefore left feeling hopeless that there is no way to correct it. But there is an answer with liposuction revision surgery.

Liposuction Revision surgery
If your liposuction procedure didn't yield the results you had hoped for there is a corrective surgery available to you. Our Beverly Hills plastic surgery center works with patients from all over the city and far beyond who feel hopeless after their original surgery. We want to reassure you that this can be corrected. You can have the slim, smooth figure you wanted and our team will work with you to get you the results you not only desire, but also deserve.

Liposuction revision is very similar to the initial liposuction procedure. Unique to each person and their situation a plastic surgeon expert in revision procedures such as Beverly Hills board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz will use a combination of liposuction and the fat transfer method to remove displaced fat cells, fill in hollow areas or uneven grooves, and use a massaging technique to create a smooth skin appearance. A cannula device (or a smaller cannula device with an ultrasound attached) will carefully remove existing fat cells but will avoid removing too much or too little like what was initially done in order to create the right result. Liposuction revision surgery takes skill, specialized training, and a very keen eye for detail. It is performed with precision and care so that the best outcome can be achieved.

What To Expect After Revision Liposuction
After this surgery, patients will need to rest and wear a compression garment for 2 - 3 weeks. There will be bruising and swelling because this is surgery, but that will decrease day by day. Before our patients leave to recover at home, it is important they feel emotional relief. We will sit together and discuss the surgery and what can be expected in the days to come. We encourage them that once the swelling goes down and once the bandages and garments are removed, they will see a normal, appealing skin surface. After performing a number of revisions surgeries, Dr. Schwartz takes great care in reassuring each patient that liposuction can have a beautiful result.

Before having any cosmetic procedure or treatment you must do your research to select the right surgeon. Ask for client recommendations or testimonials or ask to see photographs of final results. Liposuction or liposuction revision surgery requires a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Jaime Schwartz, who knows how to contour or shape the body and avoid complications. Dr. Schwartz can help restore your body with revision surgery and make you feel look and feel your best again. If you have experienced a botched liposuction and are distressed about where to turn, we invite you to call our Beverly Hills plastic surgery center so we can schedule your consultation.



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