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Liposuction Torso Definition: Body Sculpting With Lipo

Oct 26, 2018 | Body

We're deep into bathing suit season, and by now most of us have felt the pain of unwanted fat. Chances are that at least once this summer, you've stepped up to a mirror, pinched an unwanted bulge and said, "If only I could get rid of this for good."

Unwanted fat is a common cosmetic concern, so it's no wonder why liposuction is such a popular procedure. It's an efficient way to remove direct areas of unwanted fat, giving you a more sculpted look.

While liposuction can treat nearly any area of the body, one of its most common purposes is torso definition. Men and women alike want a toned, slim upper body, and liposuction can help you get it. If you're considering liposuction, here's what you need to know.


The abdomen and other areas of the upper body are popular areas for liposuction. After all, the torso is where some of the most common "problem areas" are.

By removing unwanted stubborn fat, liposuction offers a slimmer look while allowing your muscle definition to show through. If you've been hitting the gym, liposuction is a great way to help your results reach their potential.

During the procedure, a plastic surgeon uses a thin metal tube called a cannula. The tube is hollow and it's attached to equipment that applies suction. Through tiny incisions, the surgeon glides the cannula back and forth throughout the fat in your treatment area. This breaks off targeted fat cells, suctioning them out of your body.

Liposuction is a popular treatment for nearly every area of the torso. The obvious favorites are the abdomen, love handles, and back. However, it's also a great way for men to reduce unwanted fat in their chest and show the definition of their pectoral muscles.

Keep in mind that liposuction isn't a substitute for weight loss. There is a limit to the amount of fat liposuction can safely remove. Instead, the procedure is best for people at or near a healthy weight who want a more contoured shape.


As with any medical procedure, liposuction is customized to fit every patient's needs. While the basic idea of suctioning out fat stays the same, there are different ways to perform liposuction. We offer two safe and effective options:


Tumescent liposuction is also called "super-wet" liposuction. Before beginning the liposuction the surgeon injects large amounts of a precise solution into the treatment area. This solution is a combination of liquid saline and an anesthetic.

Tumescent liposuction has several benefits for the right patients. First, the solution constricts local blood vessels, which reduces the bleeding during surgery. Because bruising is bleeding under the skin, this also reduces post-surgical bruising.

Another benefit is that the anesthetic solution can stay active for up to 36 hours. This lowers your post-surgical discomfort in the early stages of your recovery.

We tend to recommend tumescent liposuction for patients who are treating large areas like several parts of the torso. This allows them to get a more successful result without significant pain during their recovery.

In some cases, tumescent liposuction allows us to use local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. This has a dramatic effect on shortening your recovery time.


For patients who are getting liposuction on smaller areas, we may recommend suction-assisted liposuction or SAL. While all liposuction procedures use suction, SAL does not use tumescent fluid.

SAL tends to be a better option for patients who are aiming for a mild volume reduction. These patients tend to be more focused on sculpting and shaping an area than on volume reduction.


Liposuction tends to have a rather straightforward recovery. After surgery, our surgeon will bandage your incisions. Depending on the details of your procedure, you may receive a compression garment to wear as well. This will reduce swelling and support your new shape.

Your surgeon will give you detailed aftercare instructions. You can be up and walking around the day of surgery. In fact, it's important to do this to lower your risk for a blood clot.

You'll come in for a follow-up appointment a few days after your surgery. Most patients can also go back to work within a few days. You'll start feeling better in a week or two. At that point, you can start easing into gentle exercise.

Remember that every patient's body heals at its own rate. There are many factors that impact your recovery and affect how long it takes.


Liposuction has a track record for great plastic surgery results. The scarring is minimal because the incisions are so small. As long as you choose an experienced skilled surgeon, they can often produce the slim, contoured look you want.

It's important to recognize that to maintain your results you need to maintain your current weight. The fat cells liposuction removes won't grow back. However, when you gain weight, it enlarges your fat cells so they store more fat. Your remaining fat cells in the treatment area can still gain weight and enlarge.

Because you will now have fewer fat cells in the treatment area than you have elsewhere, you may gain weight in other areas faster than you gain weight in the treatment area. However, that weight gain can still happen. It's important to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise plan to keep your results looking their best.


Whether your main goal is torso definition or a slimmer look, chances are that liposuction can achieve the results you want. While it's cosmetic, plastic surgery is still surgery. For that reason, you need a consultation with a plastic surgeon to determine if you're a candidate.

If you're ready to discuss what liposuction can do for you, schedule a consultation appointment with us. Be sure to check out our other blog articles as well for more helpful cosmetic surgery tips.



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