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Look Your Best from Every Angle with A Bra Line Back Lift

Jul 31, 2019 | Body

ou may be thinking that there is a surgical procedure to cosmetically enhance almost any part of your body. And you are right! Skin tightening and body contouring procedures can help you love the way you look -- even on your backside. A common area of struggle for both men and women when they look in the mirror and see excess fat or loose skin is on their upper back. The upper back area is difficult to reshape or tone up with just exercise and diet alone. Also, individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight typically deal with “draping” which is excess skin in the middle to upper back area. The surgical procedure of a back lift, also known as a bra line back lift, can help resolve such issues for both men and women in the Beverly Hills area and especially with the surgical care from a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jaime Schwartz.

Dr. Jaime Schwartz is a nationally recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon and creator of the LipoLift technique which he commonly uses for his bra line back lift procedures. He has helped both men and women in the Beverly Hills area reshape and redefine their back area with this cosmetic procedure. Read on for more information on how a bra line back lift can help and what Dr. Schwartz can do for you.


Those who are considering this procedure want to find a way to remove excess fat or loose, sagging skin in their back area also known as bra line back fat. It is the area of the back where a “bra” strap would go across or right below the shoulder blades. Even though the name suggests otherwise, this procedure is not just for women. Men also struggle with this area on their back, especially if they have lost an excessive amount of weight.


Both men and women in the Beverly Hills area deal with back fat or back rolls. The upper back is right under the shoulder blades and can be a common area for individuals to struggle with excess fatty tissue that has settled or excess skin. Patients hindered by excess skin, also known as “draping”, can find it difficult to find clothes that fit, especially women with bras and bathing suits. This excess fat or draping skin is a common issue with the natural process of aging but is also a result of individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight.


Dr. Schwartz offers this simple but dramatic cosmetic procedure to remove the signs of unappealing back rolls. After a thorough consultation with Dr. Schwartz, he will listen to your aesthetic concerns and devise a surgical plan. In most cases, bra line back lifts are a two-part process. First, liposuction is utilized in order to remove excess fat in the area and leave patients with a slimmer, more contoured look. Dr. Schwartz will use his patented LipoLift technique in order to remove excess back fat with skilled precision. If excess, loose skin is an issue, then an incision along the bra line area just below the shoulder blades will be performed. This will allow Dr. Schwartz to remove any excess skin in order to gently tighten what remains. Patients are left with a smooth, tight looking appearance to their backside.


This fairly straightforward procedure, especially with Dr. Schwartz’s use of a gentler form of general anesthesia called TIVA, gives patients lasting results and an easier recovery. If patients maintain their ideal weight, then the great results from a bra line back lift can be long long-term and enjoyed for years. Full results are apparent, after the healing process, in about 6 months, but patients may be able to see instant results directly after surgery. After a bra line back lift, Beverly Hills-area patients no longer struggle with excess fat or skin on their upper back leaving them feeling more confident and comfortable!


With excellent surgical care from a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Schwartz, as well as his innovative approach to general anesthesia, patients can recover faster and start enjoying their new results quicker. In about 7-10 days, patients can return to work and light activity but are instructed to avoid heavy lifting until cleared by Dr. Schwartz. If weight gain is controlled, patients can enjoy their slimmer looking backside and no longer have to worry about finding clothing that properly fits this target area of your body. You can enjoy the amazing Beverly Hills weather and no longer feel concerned about how your back looks to others. If you have already done the hard work of losing weight but are left with unsightly sagging skin or fat that just won’t go away, let Dr. Schwartz help you love how your upper back looks again for years to come with a bra line back lift.

A bra line back lift can be the right cosmetic solution for you if you struggle with excess fat or skin in your upper back area. This is a difficult area to transform on your own with diet and exercise, so turning to a plastic surgery expert can be a step in the right direction for you. Renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz is eager to help his patients get the most out of their experience and is consistently at the forefront of his Beverly Hills practice with the latest cosmetic procedures. If you are interested in a bra line back lift, then we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today.



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240 South La Cienega Boulevard
Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: 310-882-5454