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Tummy Tuck Surgery: Why Is It So Popular?

Apr 14, 2019 | Body

In a city like Beverly Hills, CA where warm weather is present almost year round, it is common for people to wear less clothes, especially during the summer months. Both men and women alike find themselves working hard to keep in shape. Whether it’s eating clean or a regular fitness routine, when it comes time for bathing suits and lighter clothing, it feels great to have a flat, toned tummy that you know you worked hard for. However, for some, no matter how hard you train, that flat tummy simply cannot be attained. Perhaps you have lost weight, or have completed a pregnancy, or you are a part of the general population who is aging and dealing with normal body changes. All of these events and life situations can lead to loose skin in the abdominal area making it tough to achieve that contoured look.

Luckily, one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in Beverly Hills is tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty. This is a surgery that removes excess pockets of fat and loose skin from the lower abdomen. The underlying muscles of the abdomen are then pulled tight and the skin is delicately sutured so that once healed, your stomach looks flatter, tighter, and smooth.

If you struggle with loose skin in your abdomen and do not feel confident wearing bathing suits or tighter-fitting clothing, then you may consider tummy tuck surgery. So, why is it so popular and what do you need to know? Read on to learn more


There are numerous reasons why someone would want to get a tummy tuck, but the most prominent is loose skin in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately, this generally cannot be corrected without some type of surgical intervention. Cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure, so while it may not be for everyone, there are countless men and women in Beverly Hills getting tummy tucks and the tighter tummy they have always wanted. Some of the most common reasons for getting a tummy tuck include loose, sagging, or wrinkled skin in the abdomen from:

  • A massive weight loss
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Aging (skin laxity)
  • Genetics (that may contribute to that stubborn belly “pooch”)


There are a number of tummy tuck variations, depending on how much loose skin you have and what your ultimate aesthetic goals are. Here are some examples of tummy tuck surgeries offered at our Beverly Hills, CA plastic surgery center:


This tummy tuck is the least invasive form and is reserved for men and women who are in good health, are at a good weight, and have relatively healthy skin tone. In most cases, they battle a “pooch” that they can’t seem to get rid of, or moderate loose skin under the belly button. This version of a tummy tuck uses a smaller incision and it has a quicker recovery time. It offers just the right amount of skin removal and skin tightening to create a flatter, toned tummy.


A full tummy tuck requires a larger incisions, which spans from hip to hip and it is considered more invasive. This surgery may be suited for candidates who have lost a large amount of weight or moms who have completed pregnancies. In some cases, liposuction will be used if excess pockets of fat reside in the abdomen. Also referred to as a “traditional” tummy tuck, this surgery removes a larger portion of excess skin, which may also remove some stretch marks and the unhealthy skin that once resided in the abdomen. Although it does leave a larger scar, it can be easily be hidden under most undergarments. Finally, this tummy tuck surgery sometimes requires the belly button to be repositioned, but not always. This tummy tuck if probably the most common one performed and gives patients dramatic results.


Finally, the extended tummy tuck is reserved for men and women who have undergone massive weight loss, generally 100 pounds or more. The incision not only extends from hip to hip, but could possibly extend further near the hips and flanks. Liposuction is used during this treatment and the belly button is repositioned so that it looks proportionate to the new abdomen.



Whether you have lost weight or are in the process of losing weight, patients considering a tummy tuck must be at a stable weight prior to surgery. A tummy tuck is not a surgery geared towards weight loss nor is it performed to remove unwanted fat. It is a body contouring, skin tightening treatment to help complement and enhance your figure.


While abdominoplasty does remove a portion of subcutaneous fat, this cosmetic surgery is performed to address loose skin. If you have healthy skin tone and a pooch in your abdomen, you may only need liposuction. The purpose of a tummy tuck is to remove loose, excess skin and repair stretched out abdominal muscles so that the result is a toned, tighter, flat tummy.


The results of a tummy tuck can be life-changing for patients. Discussions are had during the consultation on ways to maintain these results for years to come. Women who are considering future pregnancies may want to wait to have abdominoplasty until all of their pregnancies are behind them. The same goes for future weight gain. If you live a lifestyle where weight gain is inevitable, we may recommend nutritional counseling or other ways to help you maintain a stable weight. Pregnancy and weight gain can compromise the results of surgery, so these are things to keep in mind before undergoing a tummy tuck.




Weight loss patients and new moms often view a tummy tuck as a “gift” to themselves after the hard work of childbearing and weight loss. In fact, for many it is often the final step in your personal transformation. Also, make sure that you’re confident in yourself before you decide to get a tummy tuck. This surgery should be for you and not for anyone else.




If you have loose skin and are considering a tummy tuck, this body sculpting and contouring procedure may be what you need. It can restore your confidence and allow you to move freely and where the clothes you desire. Before surgery, it is important to set realistic expectations. Tummy tucks are not a cure for weight loss nor do they address cellulite. It is also important to understand that this surgery does leave a scar. However, with proper incision care treatment, the scar tends to heal nicely and is almost always concealable. Most patients love their tighter, more toned tummy and feel these benefits outweigh the fact that scar exists.
Popularity in tummy tucks continues to rise year after year. If you are tired of looking at the loose skin in your abdomen and finding creative ways to compress and hide it, especially during those hot summer months, then we invite you to call our Beverly Hills, CA plastic surgery center and learn how you can get the tummy you want. We’ll explain the process and develop a custom treatment plan for you that will have you bathing suit ready before the heat of the summer hits.



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