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What Are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction?

Nov 24, 2020 | Body

Gynecomastia is a term that refers to the disproportionate or excessive growth of male breast tissue. Some men develop this condition because of genetics or a hormonal imbalance. Although gynecomastia is not necessarily a serious medical condition, it can affect your appearance and self-confidence.

Is gynecomastia affecting your daily life? Dr. Jaime Schwartz is a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs male breast reduction. By listening to your concerns and drawing upon years of training, our office helps you experience the benefits of male breast reduction surgery. Contact our Beverly Hills, CA, practice to schedule a gynecomastia consultation and learn more.


Gynecomastia can be frustrating. Some men are unsure why they have excess breast tissue or even what it means. But if you experience overgrown breasts, it is not your fault. Gynecomastia can develop at any time, usually occurring in men who are otherwise healthy and at a normal weight. Some of the main causes of gynecomastia include:

  • Genetics

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Overactivity in the thyroid

  • Side effects of certain medical conditions

  • Side effects of certain medications

  • Deficiencies in certain vitamins or minerals


Gynecomastia treatment is recommended for men who are unable to reduce breast size through traditional diet and exercise. The first way to determine your candidacy is to meet with Dr. Schwartz. We will evaluate your medical history and medications that could impact breast growth. Our office does our best to understand the cause of your gynecomastia, so it does not come back after surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery uses a combination of techniques to help patients achieve a masculine appearance. The surgical decisions we make are based on the amount of extra fat and tissue that need to be removed. This usually includes surgical tissue removal as well as liposuction. Once the side effects, such as swelling and inflammation, go down, you will notice a firmer, flatter chest.


Men with gynecomastia often feel that their body is not compatible with their gender. As a result, some people become depressed or insecure about their appearance. Creating a firmer chest provides an instant boost of self-esteem for many men. You do not have to avoid social interactions following gynecomastia treatment. Not only that, a flatter chest allows you to wear fitted clothing and feel more comfortable going shirtless at the pool.


Having larger breasts can make some physical activities intolerable. Exercises, like running and jumping, become challenging with extra breast movement. While women use special athletic bras to hold their breasts down, men do not have the same options. Gynecomastia treatment and male breast reduction surgery means patients can engage in physical activities without worry. It can even motivate you to maintain your flatter figure in the future.


Dr. Jaime Schwartz understands that enlarged breasts can make any man feel uncomfortable. Male breast reduction is a very effective treatment for gynecomastia because it offers so many benefits. To learn if this is right for you, contact our practice in Beverly Hills, CA to schedule your consultation. We can explain the benefits of male breast reduction surgery and determine the best treatment plan moving forward.



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240 South La Cienega Boulevard
Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: 310-882-5454