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Why Not Use That Unwanted Fat For Your Pecs?

Oct 27, 2019 | Body

In today's society, men strive to have a perfect body. Chiseled abs and muscular pecs are two of the target areas that help to make up the ideal male physique that many men desire. When hours at the gym or daily weight training routines don't achieve the ultimate look, men can now turn to a male fat transfer procedure for help. Male body reshaping using a combination of liposuction and fat grafting can carefully sculpt and create the muscled, toned look most men desire. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz is a leading expert and renowned surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA, who performs chest augmentation procedures with fat grafting to give men a more muscular appearance and natural-looking results. This procedure is changing the way men feel about cosmetic help, and plastic surgeons like Dr. Schwartz can help those seeking a sleeker, more sculpted upper body.

Autologous fat transfer

Fat grafting procedures, also known as autologous fat transfer, can help individuals find a solution for unwanted fat in certain areas. Men want to be buff or big in certain areas of the body, and trim and fit in others. With fat transfer technology, qualified plastic surgeons like Dr. Schwartz can extract pockets of stubborn fatty tissue from one area, then inject it to mold and reshape other areas. This advanced technology is changing the cosmetic industry by offering an alternative to implants that can "naturally" enhance the way you look. Women and men are using this method for Brazilian butt lifts, and some women are forgoing breast implants to utilize their own fat for augmentation instead. Now men can have a chiseled, more defined chest area while enjoying the bonus of the amazing body contouring results that liposuction can provide.

Male fat grafting procedures

Fat grafting is becoming quite popular. It is one of the most natural ways to add shape and volume to a target area by utilizing a person's unwanted body fat. Beverly Hills men can enhance their chest area while contouring trouble spots like the abdomen, lower back, or flank area ("love handles") with liposuction for long-term results. Men choosing fat redistribution to the pectorals can have a more sculpted chest when diet and exercise haven't produced the chest definition they desire.

Pectoralis augmentation

A muscular chest and prominent abdominal "six-pack" have long been the male ideals for a good physique. While some men obtain this body type through genetics or regular exercise, others can find themselves at a disadvantage when diet and hours at the gym don’t produce the desired results. With surgical techniques today, cosmetic help provides several different options. Fat grafting involves utilizing that discarded fat to enhance other areas. Commonly used in place of implants for enhancing the buttocks or breasts, fat grafting is highly effective and versatile to cosmetically help areas such as the face, hands, calves, and chest area. Liposuction can reshape and contour troublesome spots like the flanks, midsection or stomach, even the chest. Then, instead of discarding the liposuctioned fat, the fat is purified and injected into the pec muscles on the chest. The harvested fat can also be injected into the abdominal muscles to enhance a more contoured, sculpted torso if needed. The natural-looking results allow the pectoral muscles to appear and function as usual but with more definition and substantial volume. Incisions are minimal and discreetly hidden, leaving men with a more sculpted, enhanced appearance.

Fat transfer results

Although the aging process stops for no one, fat transfer results should be long-lasting if weight is maintained and regular exercise occurs. Most patients permanently retain 50 – 70% of the fat that is transferred. Since fat grafting uses your own living tissue, it will respond to fluctuating weight and exercise, just like the rest of your body. In some cases, depending on the look desired, male patients may need another fat transfer in 2 – 6 months for optimal results.

One thing to remember is that patients who want to get a fat grafting procedure need to have enough fat on their body in donor areas for a successful transfer. Working closely with an experienced, highly skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Schwartz will ensure that you get the right treatment plan and results that fit your body type. Dr. Schwartz will work with each patient to make sure they get the right cosmetic help to reach their aesthetic goals.

A fat grafting procedure is one of the most natural ways to cosmetically enhance your body. Men who want more defined pectoral muscles can turn to Dr. Jaime Schwartz in Beverly Hills. During your consultation, Dr. Schwartz will do a thorough review of your medical history and listen to your aesthetic needs so you get the results you deserve. If you want to learn more about enhancing your pecs with a male fat transfer procedure, call Dr. Jaime Schwartz today to schedule a consultation.



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