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How Long is the Recovery from Breast Implant Surgery?

May 10, 2018 | Breast

When considering a breast augmentation, an important question for many people is how long the recovery will be from their breast implant surgery. 

Typically, we tell patients to expect a week or two off of work. The first week after your breast augmentation is the hardest. There may be noticeable swelling and bruising as well as general soreness around the incision sites. During the first four days after surgery, it is advised to be careful not to overexert yourself with strenuous exercise as you are still at risk for bleeding. If you have been given any pain medication, I would also refrain from drinking alcohol at this time. 

By the second week you will feel better, at four weeks you will feel 100% and at six weeks the swelling should have subsided so you can see your final results. At this point you are also free to go back to a completely normal routine and exercising regimen, including high-intensity exercise. 

In my practice we actually speed up the recovery process for our breast augmentation patients. We call this "Rapid Recovery™." 

During breast implant surgery, I use a gentler type of anesthesia called TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia). Using only IV medications, you will be asleep and comfortable during your procedure, but breathing on your own. The advantages to Rapid Recovery™ is that TIVA medications wear off quickly and they are eliminated from your body within hours of surgery. This results in a shorter time in the recovery room, as well as a smoother experience overall. TIVA also has an anti-nausea effect, meaning you won't have that "run over by a truck" feeling after your surgery. Most of our patients are up walking around after their procedure and feel good enough to go out to dinner the next night. 

Another feature of Rapid Recovery™ is limiting pain for our breast augmentation patients. I often inject Botox™ into the muscles of the chest prior to surgery, as well as a long-acting numbing medication called EXPAREL®, to speed the recovery process. 

For more information about TIVA, Rapid Recovery™ and what to expect during the recovery for your breast implant surgery, please contact us to book a consultation.



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