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Is Breast Explant the Only Way to Treat Breast Implant Illness?

Jan 13, 2020 | Breast

Although breast augmentation is among the most successful and popular cosmetic surgeries in the U.S., sometimes the results can be less than optimal. Size issues, hardening of the scar tissue, and implant rupture are just a few of the problems that can occur after surgery. Although the risk is low, there has been an increasing number of reports of breast implant illness, a sickness that is associated with implants. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime Schwartz is sensitive to these issues and understands the emotional toll can be significant. At Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz MD in Beverly Hills, CA, we use our skill, attention to detail, and genuine care to improve the results of breast implant patients whose results were less than optimal.

Breast implant illness is believed to be the body’s response or reaction to the foreign breast implant. Signs of this condition vary among patients, and in some cases, can be debilitating to a person’s health and quality of life. It is also common for women to be misdiagnosed since symptoms are often vague or hard to define. This condition ranges in severity from fatigue and lack of energy to muscle pain and weakness. For this reason, we believe it is important to be aware of the possible symptoms and schedule a consultation with a breast explant surgeon with years of experience treating individuals with breast implant illness symptoms. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to Dr. Schwartz today to schedule your next appointment.


Saline and silicone gel-filled implants are approved for the purpose of breast enhancement by the FDA and countless medical organizations. Unfortunately, complications can occur and patients have a right to understand these risks. Dr. Schwartz discusses concerns regarding breast implant illness with patients when they arrive at our plastic surgery clinic. Although there is no diagnostic testing specific to this condition, we take breast illness symptoms seriously and do our best to help women restore their physical health and well-being. After evaluating each case, Dr. Schwartz will create and execute a treatment plan that achieves the best outcome. Some symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Numbness
  • Depression


As we stated before, there is no test that defines whether breast implants are the root of a patient’s symptoms. This can be frustrating because breast implant removal requires additional surgery and recovery time. If breast implant illness symptoms are a growing concern for you and all other options have been exhausted, it may be time to consider breast explant to safeguard your health. Also called a total capsulectomy, en bloc capsulectomy is the main way to treat breast implant illness, in which the implants are removed with the outer capsule.

Since the silicone material stays inside the capsule while being removed, bacteria and chemicals are prevented from causing further health problems. This also allows the breast tissue to settle back to its original position for a natural-looking appearance. With years of experience working as a breast explant surgeon, Dr. Schwartz has a reputation for precision and aesthetic excellence. At our Beverly Hills, CA clinic, we will explain the process of en bloc capsulectomy and address any questions you may have about the procedure.


Many of our patients are concerned about deflation or sagging breasts prior to breast implant removal, which is why we recommend a breast lift procedure at the same time as implant removal to create a perky and youthful appearance. A lift surgery raises the breasts by tightening the breast tissue and removing excess skin. In addition to a lift, we may also consider a fat transfer to replace lost volume and enhance the breasts. During the initial consultation session, Dr. Schwartz will examine the breast tissue and see what is necessary for an aesthetically pleasing outcome. After creating a custom plan, he will also cover important topics such as anesthesia, recovery and downtime, and risks associated with an explant procedure.

The recovery period after implant removal varies, but the team at Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz MD will provide post-surgical directions and suggest different ways to keep yourself comfortable at home. For the first few weeks, patients experience some swelling and bruising. It is best to avoid strenuous exercise until otherwise permitted by Dr. Schwartz. Patients are also encouraged to take slow walks as this will help with blood circulation. The best results are usually observed about a couple of months following the operation, once the swelling has subsided.


With a state-of-the-art medical facility and cutting-edge equipment and technology, the clinic of Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz MD is committed to the health and welfare of our patients. Dr. Schwartz is a respected medical professional in Beverly Hills, CA with experience in recognizing and treating breast implant illness symptoms with explant surgery. Implant removal can address a variety of concerns, whether you are facing breast implant illness, implant rupture, or dissatisfaction with breast size. We carefully explain all available options and help patients choose the best option for their needs and goals. Learn about breast implant illness and more by scheduling a consultation at our caring office.



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