Though we may not always be able to detect exactly why, it is typically easy to discern a woman’s face from a man’s through subtle visual cues. Facial feminization/masculinization surgery (FFS/FMS) is performed by Dr. Jaime Schwartz as part of sex reassignment surgery to surgically alter a transgender patient's facial appearance from masculine to feminine, or vice versa, from feminine to masculine.
Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz in Beverly Hills will combine several surgical techniques to give you an appearance that more closely matches your gender identity. For transgender women, we will make your features smaller, softer, and less angled in order to appear more feminine. For transgender men, the face will be made to appear more chiseled and masculine, with defined features. Some of the procedures we offer include:
- Jaw contouring
- Lip lift and reshaping
- Rhinoplasty
- Nonsurgical rhinoplasty
- Lip augmentation
- Cheek augmentation
- Chin recontouring
- Forehead recontouring (hairline correction)
- Adam’s apple reduction (tracheal shave)
- Brow lift
Facial feminization/masculinization surgery can be performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the procedures that are included in your treatment plan. Dr. Jaime Schwartz will perform the chosen procedures at a fully accredited surgical facility using minimal incisions in discreet locations to enhance the result. Before you go home, we will schedule a follow-up appointment and go over aftercare and recovery instructions, including when you can return to work and exercise.
Recovery Time1-2 Weeks
Procedure Recovery Location Out-patient
This is the surgeon's fee only. Other fees apply.
All surgeries require incisions that can leave scars, but for facial surgeries, Dr. Jaime Schwartz will use minimal incisions that are placed in easily concealed or camouflaged areas of the face. Dr. Schwartz will also help you develop and follow a scar management plan that will make sure the surgical incisions heal quickly and optimally. In general, patients consider the benefits from facial cosmetic surgery to be greater than the drawback of small scars.
To improve healing after facial surgery, patients should hold ice packs to their face for a few minutes several times each day. Patients are encouraged to keep their head elevated as much as possible. Be sure to attend the follow-up appointments schedules to check healing and progress.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Jaime Schwartz will listen to your needs, concerns, and goals before assessing your face and deciding which procedures will be best in your unique facial surgery. Depending on the proportions of your natural face, more or less procedures may be needed to reach the desired result.