Transgender patients on the journey to aligning their physical body with their gender identity may consider a top surgery to help them feel more like their authentic self. FTM top surgery (breast reduction) can provide a trans man with the masculine, muscular chest he desires to better represent his gender identity. Dr. Schwartz understands that the journey to self-discovery for a transgender patient can be a long and sometimes difficult one. We treat all of our patients with the sensitivity and care they deserve, and our aim is to help them feel comfortable, happy, and confident in their own skin.
No matter how much breast tissue there is to remove, there is a surgery for you. During the consultation, Dr. Schwartz will determine based on your individual goals and desired body shape how to tailor your top surgery specifically to you.
The excess breast tissue can be removed with a traditional breast reduction or by using liposuction to sculpt a more masculine looking chest. In addition, the areola complex can be resized and made smaller and more oval for a more masculine appearance.
FTM Top Surgery is being done at Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz's office at Beverly Hills, California, or his Dubai, UAE office.
There are several common techniques that may be utilized during a FTM top surgery procedure. The size and shape of your breasts, the size of your areolas, and the desired reduction amount are all factors to be taken into consideration and will be discussed during your initial consultation to determine the best technique to be used for your top surgery. Some of these techniques include:
This is also known as a keyhole, which is an incision around the areola complex. The peri-areolar top surgery procedure is ideal for small chested men, or those with B-sized chests and good skin elasticity. During this procedure, an incision is made all around the border of the areola. Additionally, a second, larger concentric circle incision is made and the resulting ring of skin removed. Breast tissue removal and additional liposuction may be performed. A "drawstring" technique is used to bring the skin together and connect it to the edges of the areola, which may be made smaller and more oval in shape.
This type of top surgery procedure is ideal for medium to large chested men. During this procedure, the skin on the chest is opened along two horizontal incisions, at the top and bottom of the pectoral muscle. (The muscle itself is not touched.) The skin is pulled back and the breast tissue is then removed. Additional liposuction may be performed to adjust the contour of the chest.
Also known as an anchor scar, this is best for medium to large chested candidates with more excess skin and breast tissue. Skin on the chest is opened along two horizontal incisions, at the top and bottom of the pectoral muscle. (The muscle itself is not touched.) The skin is pulled back and the breast tissue is then removed.
This is similar to Double Incision Top Surgery, two horizontal incisions (curved, straight, or oblique) are made at the top and bottom of the pectoral muscle and breast tissue and excess skin are removed. Instead of using free nipple grafts (as in Double Incision) the NAC is re-sized and left attached to nerves and blood supply via a thin dermal pedicle, which preserves sensation.
Schwartz Rapid Recovery™ is a term used to describe a combination of techniques Dr. Jaime Schwartz uses to accelerate the recovery process after your top surgery.
Schwartz Rapid Recovery™ starts with anesthesia. Dr. Schwartz uses a gentler form of general anesthesia called TIVA, which stands for total intravenous anesthesia. Top surgery clients are given an IV with medication that puts them in an adequate state of anesthesia without needing to use a breathing tube or anesthetic gases. You will essentially be asleep for the duration of the procedure and breathing on your own.
Because TIVA medications wear off quickly and are typically out of the body in a few hours, you are less likely to feel nauseous after the procedure. In fact, the IV medication has an anti-nausea effect, resulting in a shorter time in the recovery room, and an overall smoother experience.
Another component of Schwartz Rapid Recovery™ is minimizing the discomfort of surgery. Dr. Schwartz may inject BOTOX® into the muscles of your chest prior to surgery, or use EXPAREL® (a long-acting local anesthetic) which he places into the muscles during surgery. Most clients take only TYLENOL® after their top surgery procedure, can go out to dinner the following night, and typically return to work after one week.
Support from Dr. Schwartz’s nurses and team will be available to you 24/7 after your top surgery.
As you and Dr. Schwartz develop your treatment plan together, he will give you more precise information on what to expect in terms of your recovery.

Recovery Time1-2 Weeks
Procedure Recovery Location Out-patient
This is the surgeon's fee only. Other fees apply.
Top surgery is the most commonly performed gender reassignment surgery for transgender individuals. Although the decision is very personal, many transgender people say this procedure was a vital step toward alleviating their gender dysphoria and the key to being more comfortable with their appearances.
During your top surgery, Dr. Schwartz will shift the nipple and areola to a higher position. The areola, which in large breasts usually has been stretched out, can also be resized and given a more oval shape to match your new masculine looking chest. Skin that was formerly located above the nipple is also brought down and together to reshape the chest.
Dr. Schwartz will discuss beforehand with you nipple areolar complex resizing or reshaping and whether this procedure would be beneficial to achieving your desired outcome.
Transgender clients who are considering a top surgery are required to have been on hormones for at least 18 months prior to their top surgery. The reason for this is that hormones alone may result in a decrease of breast tissue, increased body and facial hair, and other significant physical changes. In addition, transgender patients must have received a letter of recommendation from a therapist or licensed psychologist and lived as their preferred gender identity for at least two years prior to their surgery.